Thursday, September 1

Frases de inglés para ir de compras


En este post os dejamos vocabulario y frases útiles en inglés para ir de compras.


Can I have/ I'd like - Quiero...
How much is that?/How much is it? - Cuanto vale? o Cuanto es?
How much does it cost? -
Cuanto cuesta?
How much are they? -
Cuanto son estos?
Can I pay by credit card? -
Puedo pagar con tarjeta?
Can I get a refund? - Se aceptan devoluciones?
Can I have the receipt please? - Quiero el ticket por favor
Can I help you? - Le puedo ayudar?
I'm just looking thanks - Solo estoy mirando gracias
Have you got a/any? - Tienes...?
Do you want anything else? - Algo mas?
Will you be getting anymore in this week? - Vais a recibir mas este semana?

Sorry it's out of stock - Lo siento no tenemos mas

TIENDAS DE ROPA (Ver también Pronunciación de ropa en inglés)

Can I try it on please? - Me lo puedo probar por favor?
Can I try them on please? - Me los puedo probar por favor?
Have you got this/these in a different colour? - Tienes esto/estos en otro color?
Have you got different sizes in stock? - Hay otras tallas en el almacen?
Have you got this in a different size? - Tienes esto en otra talla?
Where are the fitting rooms? - Donde estan los probadores?


Chemist's - Farmacia
Optician's - Optico
Stationer's - Papeleria
Newsagent's - Estanco
Supermarket - Supermercado
Baker's - Panaderia
Butcher's - Carniceria
Jeweller's - Joyeria


Completar los siguientes dialogos y despues haga click aqui para ver las respuestas.

1 - Good morning, .................................................?
No thanks I'm just looking.

2 - Have.....................................................................?
Yes we've got them in green and blue.

3 - Have.....................................................................?
Sorry, we've only got small and large sizes in stock.

4 - Can I have a loaf of bread please?
Do you want anything else?
No thanks How.........................................................?
That's just seventy-five pence please.

5 - That's £150 in total please.
Yes of course, we accept all major credit cards

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