Friday, June 27

Expresiones con el gerundio en ingles

It’s no use
+ ing
It’s no good

It’s no use worrying about it. No merece la pena preocuparte de ello.
It’s no good worrying about it .

There’s no point in + ing

There’s no point in going to the beach if the forecast is for rain. No merece la pena ir a la playa si la previsión del tiempo es para lluvia.

It’s not worth + ing

It’s not worth waiting for a bus. No merece la pena esperar el autobús.

It’s worth + ing

It’s worth trying to get a discount if you are going to buy a lot of furniture at the same time. Merece la pena intentar tener un descuento si vas a comprar muchos muebles a la vez.

It’s a waste of time + ing

It’s a waste of time going to see that film because it’s not very good. No merece la pena ir a ver esa película porque no es muy bueno.

Have difficulty + ing

We had a lot of difficulty finding the restaurant. Nos costo mucho encontrar el restaurante.

Spend/waste time + ing


I spend a lot of time working on the computer. Paso mucho tiempo trabajando con el ordenador.

He wasted time watching television all afternoon. Perdió tiempo viendo la tele toda la tarde.


Completar las frases como esta indicado y después haga clic aquí para ver las respuestas:

Don’t read that book. It’s not worth……………………………………….….….
Don’t get angry. There’s no point………………………………………….….….
Finding a job was very difficult. He had a lot of difficulty………………….……
She went shopping all morning. She spent…………………………………….…
Don’t try and persuade me. It’s no good………………………………………..

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