Thursday, January 8

Phrasal verbs con put

Abajo hay una lista de phrasal verbs con put con sus significados. Despues hay un ejercicio con respuestas para practicar su uso.

Put on - poner ropa
Put away - guardar cosas
Put up with - aguantar
Put off - posponer
Put forward - adelantar
Put out - apagar un fuego

Completar las frases con uno de los verbos arriba y despues haga clic aqui para ver las respuestas.

1. The meeting was .................................... to next month.
2. I have to ................................................... a lot of inconveniences living in this part of town.
3. The weather was so bad that the football match had to be ...................................until next week.
4. It is snowing a lot so I will have to ......................................a lot of warm clothes.
5. The fire was .....................................very quickly.
6. Children must learn to .............................. their toys after playing with them.

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