Tuesday, March 17

phrasal verbs con look

Abajo hay una lista de phrasal verbs con look con sus significados. Despues hay un ejercicio con respuestas para practicar su uso.

Look after - cuidar

Look into - investigar

Look up to - admirar

Look down on - despreciar

Look forward to - tener ganas

Look up - buscar información

Look for - buscar algo ó alguien

Completar las frases con uno de los verbos arriba y despues haga clic aqui para ver las respuestas.

1. The police are ..................................... the car theft.

2. Yesterday I spent two hours ..................................... my keys.

3. I'm really ..................................... my next holiday.

4. It's wrong to ..................................... people less fortunate than ourselves.

5. I didn't know the answer so I had to ................ it ............... on the internet.

6. I really ..................................... people who work for charities.

7. She ..................................... her son in the morning and goes to work in the afternoon.

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