Monday, March 28

Inglés reported speech

Se usa ‘reported speech’ or ‘indirect speech’ (el estilo indirecto) para decir lo que alguien ha dicho. El verbo en ‘reported speech’ casi siempre cambia a un tiempo atrás:

1. Present simple – Past simple
I live here.
En reported speech - She said that she lived there

2. Present continuous – Past continuous

He is driving a car.
En reported speech - She said that he was driving a car.

3. Present perfect – past perfect

They have gone to the beach.
En reported speech - He said that they had gone to the beach.

4. Present perfect continuous – past perfect continuous
I have been living here for 3 years.
En reported speech - She said that she had been living there for 3 years.

5. Past simple – past perfect.

He went to the cinema yesterday.
En reported speech - She said that he had gone to the cinema yesterday.

6. Past perfect – past perfect NO CHANGE
He had finished by 10pm
En reported speech - She said that he had finished by 10pm.

7. Past perfect continuous - Past perfect continuous NO CHANGE Ejemplo:
I had been listening to music.
She said that she had been listening to music.

Los verbos modales en ‘reported speech’

Will se cambia a would
I will go to the bank.
En reported speech – He said that he would go to the bank

Can se cambia a could
I can play the piano.
He said that he could play the piano.

Must se cambia a had to
I must go to the supermarket.
She said that she had to go to the supermarket.

May se cambia a might
I may do that.
She said that she might do that.

Estos verbos modales no cambian: Would, could, should, might, ought to

¡Ojo! Si estas hablando de algo que no ha cambiado no hace falta cambiar el tiempo verbal.
I am Spanish. He said that he is Spanish
I am very happy. She said that she is very happy.

Se puede usar say o tell en reported speech.

Con say se dice: I said that, she said that, he said that etc

Con tell SIEMPRE tiene que llevar pronombre:
I told him that
She told me that
He told her that
They told us that

Ejercicio: Pon estas frases en ‘reported speech’ y después haga clic para ver las respuestas de Inglés Reported Speech.
1. I live in London.
2. He was listening to music.
3. We will go to the swimming pool tomorrow.
4. They went to school yesterday.
5. I would like to visit France.
6. I can play the guitar very well.

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