Tuesday, May 17

Inglés básico: Have to

Se usa ‘have to’ para expresar obligación.
I have to pay the rent. Tengo que pagar el alquiler.
She has to go to school. Tiene que ir a la escuela.
En negativo significa la ausencia de obligación. Es decir algo que no es necesario hacer.
I don’t have to clean the house today. No tengo que limpiar la casa hoy.
He doesn’t have to go to work today. No tiene que ir al trabajo hoy.
Afirmativo - Sujeto + have to/has to + verbo infintivo sin to
I have to go.
You have to go.
He has to go.
She has to go.
It has to go.
We have to go.
They have to go.
Negativo - Sujeto + don’t have to/doesn’t have to + verbo infintivo sin to
I don’t have to go.
You don’t have to go.
He doesn’t have to go.
She doesn’t have to go.
It doesn’t have to go.
We don’t have to go.
They don’t have to go.
Interrogativo - Do/does + sujeto + have to + verbo infinitive sin to
Do I have to go?
Do you have to go?
Does he have to go?
Does she have to go?
Does it have to go?
Do we have to go?
Do they have to go?
El pasado de have to es had to para todas las personas.
Yesterday she had to finish her homework. Ayer tenia que terminar sus deberes.
Last week we had to go to London. La semana pasada teníamos que ir a Londres.
La contestaciones cortas.
Do you have to work? ¿Tienes que trabajar?
Yes I do/no I don’t.
Does he have to go to work by car? ¿Tiene que ir al trabajo en coche?
Yes he does/No he doesn’t
Para mas información y ejercicios sobre have to haga clic aquí.

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