Wednesday, March 22

El uso de 'used to' en inglés

En este post os explicaremos las reglas sobre el uso de used to en inglés, os ofrecemos unos ejercicios con used to y, al final, un vídeo sobre la pronunciación de used to en inglés.

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Usamos used to para hablar de hábitos, estados o acciones que se repetían con frecuencia en el pasado y que ya han dejado de ocurrir. Por ejemplo:

Hábito: I used to collect trading cards when I was a child (de niña solía coleccionar cromos) (=ahora ya no lo hago)
Estado: My friends used to be crazy about the Spice Girls (mis amigas estaban locas por las Spice Girls) 
Acción: My teacher used to say "sit down and shut up" (mi profesor solía decir: "siéntate y cállate). 

Se usa la misma forma con todas las personas.

I / You / He / She / It / We / They + used to + verbo
Ej:  I used to play football, he used to play football, we used to play football...

I / You / He / She / It / We / They + didn't use to + verbo
Ej: I didn't use to play football, he didn't use to play football, we didn't use to play football...

 Did + I / You / He / She / It / We / They + use to + verbo?
Ej: Did you use to smoke? (¿Solías fumar?)
    What did you use to do? (¿Qué solías hacer?) 

Did you use to smoke? Yes, I did / No, I didn't
Did she use to watch TV at night? Yes, she did / No, she didn't
Did they use to play football? Yes, they did / No, they didn't

1. No olvidéis quitar la "d" de "used" en negativas e interrogativas.

2. No debemos confundir used to (seguido de infinitivo) con get used to o be used to (seguidos de verbo acabado en -ing).

Used to +infitivo = solía (hábitos pasados)
get used to +ing = acostumbrase a
be used to +ing = estar acostumbrado a 
3. Used to es un tiempo pasado y, por tanto, sólo se puede usar en pasado. Si queremos expresar hábitos en el presente, hay que usar adverbios de frecuencia como "usually". 
Ej: I usually have breakfast at 8 a.m (suelo desayunar a las 8 de la mañana)

Get used to / be used to
adverbios de frecuencia

Escribe frases con used to.  Para acceder a las respuestas haz clic en: Soluciones ejercicio inglés used to

1. I/Smoke
Ejemplo: I used to smoke

2. They/play tennis.
3. She/go swimming everyday.
4. We/study Chinese.
5. I/go to concerts.
6. He/live in London.


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  1. Sólo quería posteralos. Primeras!!!

  2. esta lo que sigue de maximo este blog! aprendo mas aqui que con mi teacher de la uni!

  3. hi i'm Adan Pacheco Plata the 3IV7

    when i was a child:

    -I used to eat papilla
    -I used to fight with my sister
    -I used to play with my toys and my cars
    -I used to go with my cousins to the carnival
    -I used to mourn all the time

    when i was i child:

    -I didn't use to smoke cigars
    -I didn't use to drink beer because i used to drink chocomilk
    -I didn't use to go to the partys all the nights

  4. hi my name is alfredo from 3IV7 group

    when i was young :

    i used to play with toys
    i used to make my homework
    i used to ride my tricycle
    i used to go to school at 7 o`clock
    i used to drink hot milk

    when i was young :

    i didn't use to drink a beer
    i didn't use to smoke a pipe
    i didn't use to walk alone on the streets
    i didn't use to go to a party

    that's all. :)

  5. Hello I'm from Abraham Garcia Gongora 3IV7

    when I was a child:

    "I used to dance The gallinaso
    "I used to fight with my sisters
    "I used to play with my cars
    "I used to go with my grandparents
    "I used to laugh a lot

    as a child:

    "I do not use the cigrro or anything
    "I do not use the service or drinking beer
    "I did not use lies to go to parties

  6. when i was a little kid
    i used to play viodeogames
    i used to run at the park
    i used to go to zoo
    i used to swim
    i used to buy some a little cars
    i didn't use to wash de dishes
    i didn't use to read books
    i didn't use to eat soup
    i didn't use to drink water

  7. berenize 3IV12
    when I was a child...
    I used to plat in the sreet with my brothers.
    I used to cry all the day.
    I used to draw on the walls.
    I used to eat candies.
    I used to fight with my sister.

    I didn´t used to go to the parties.
    I didn´t used to drink tequila.
    I didn´t used to have a boyfriend.
    I didn´t used to study so much.
    I didn´t used to do my homework.

  8. en esto del uso de "used to" hay tantas versiones que no me entero, mi profesora me dice: used to+ING es decir "I used to driving" en pregunta "Did you used to driving in your country?" no se le quita la d a used y en negativo "I didn´t used to driving" o como dicen otras versiones "I didn't use to..." aunque lo correcto seria "I never used to.." estas son las versiones de mi profesora de Ingles aqui en Nueva zelanda, pero he visto otras muchas. ¿Cual es realmente la correcta? ¿o hay versiones diferentes del "used to" segun el pais? Thanks

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hola Jose gracias por tu pregunta. used to + ing no existe en inglés. Quizas estas confundido con be used to + ing - ejemplo: I am used to driving to work (estoy acostumbrado a conducir al trabajo). Esta clase esta basada en used to + infinitivo ejemplo: I used to drive to work (solia conducir al trabajo). I didn't use to drive to work (negativo) and did you use to drive to work? (pregunta).
    la forma I didn't used to existe pero mucha gente yo incluido lo considera incorrecto.
    Para to información la frase I used to driving es incorrecto.
    Espero que esto aclara el tema.

  11. Ezta super genial el blog muchas gracias me ayudo de maciado sigue asi eres bueno

  12. esta chido tu blog me ayudo de maciado gracias sigue asi eres bueno

  13. me salvaste la vida . thanks :)

  14. I like this blog, it help me to understand USED TO

  15. Una corrección. (used to) es un adjetivo y no un verbo,por lo tanto en preguntas y negaciones no cambia. ejemplo i did not used to cold.... did you used to cook. Usandolo como verbo(use) entonces si cambia. ejemplo he used my car yerterday. did he use may car yesterday? he didn't use may car yesterday.

  16. I used to play with my toys and my cars
    I used to go with my cousins to the carnival
    I did'tuse to smoke marijuana
    I used to eat cereal
    Iused to make my homework

  17. When i was a child
    I used to play football
    I used to eat pizza
    I used to sleep in the afternoon

    I didn't use to fight with my mother
    I didn't use to smoge cigarretes
    I didn't use to drink beer
    I didn't use to swiming in the sea

  18. espèctacular. ojala todos los profes enseñaran así

  19. gracias por resolver tantas dudas, me habeis salvado de muchos errores en examenes

    1. Nos alegramos mucho de poder ayudar. Próximamente colgaremos vídeos explicativos :)

  20. muy buena explicacion

  21. muchas gracias por la explicacion

  22. When I was a Chile
    I used to play with my brother
    I used to do my homework
    I used to play soccer on the street
    I didn't use to sleep late
    I didn't use to work in the factory's uncle
    I didn't use to smoke cigarretes

  23. Replies
    1. Well done Efrax!!! I thought you meant that :)
